Inglewood Alumnae Chapter
In March of 1913, nearly six weeks after its founding, several Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Founders marched in the historic Suffragist March under the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Banner, the Sorority’s first public act. Today, low voter turnout statistics highlight the need to continue to identify ways to include opportunities for all citizens to exercise their voting power.
Inglewood Alumnae Chapter’s Social Action programs include voter registration, education and mobilization activities to ensure the members and community residents are aware of local, state and national issues that impact their overall health and well-being.
Social Action

On Tuesday, October 18th and Tuesday, October 25th, we hosted two part Candidates Forum Series. The first part of our forum was centered around the Los Angeles Mayoral Race as well as the judicial race. This second part focused on the Inglewood Mayoral Race and the the District Race. We had over 150 registered attendees who received valuable information.
Our voice is our vote and we encourage everyone to make a voting plan to let their voice be heard this election season.
The video to the right is a replay of the October 18th Forum.
Click here for the replay of the October 25th Forum